
About Us

We are all a little bit different, which means each one of us can work to our strengths within the business.  One thing that does unite us is our desire to see Chirpy Bird Food grow as a sustainable business, maintaining the quality and products we have become known for.  Our vision for the future includes conservation work in Co. Fermanagh, and in schools throughout the North and South of Ireland.

Chirpy Bird Food also acts as a wholesaler for other reputable family businesses. We distribute specialised bird food products, feeders, horse feed, poultry feed, and small animal bedding.
Click on each photo to learn a little more about us.

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Elise Allen

Elise Allen

Elise is the oldest and wisest! She keeps us all on the straight and narrow and makes sure that Chirpy is managed in ways that ensure customer satisfaction. She loves classical music and chocolate, and is a wonderful baker but has to be bribed to make us cake....
If you need to know more about Chirpy Bird Food ask Elise.

Cameron Allen

Cameron Allen

Cameron is a hands on, practical sort of a man. He is the one who ensures the Puddle Jumper is up to scratch and can deliver your seeds and feeds to any part of the country. He loves all food, country music, big lorries and his wee daughter. (but not in that order.)

Georgie Allen

Georgie Allen

Georgie is the one with the wildest imagination so she looks after our marketing. She also loves chocolate and has an eclectic taste in music with a soft spot for Scottish folk. If you have any marketing or sales questions, ask Georgie.

Hamish Allen

Hamish Allen

Last but not least, is Hamish. He is the quiet type with a wicked sense of humour. He loves music and crisps.... He does a bit of everything, from helping in the store and loading the lorries with Chirpy Bird Food,  to trying to calm his sisters down when it gets very busy.

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